Before I start a quick rundown on each of the characters and their story so far.
Rachel Berry
An aspiring Broadway star, Rachel Berry will do what ever it takes to make it big in her words 'Being unknown is worse than being poor'. We first see her when she complains about sandy the old glee club teacher for touchings a boys abs, she claims it was because it was wrong but we soon realise it was because he gave her solo to this boy.We hear her say she doesn't have time for boyfriends as she needs to focus only on her career (she uploads a myspace video of her singing once a week) but we soon find out its because people call her a loser. Her signature signature is her name with a gold star at the end a metaphor for her being a star! As glee club begins she starts growing a crush on the lead singer Finn who tells her he is dating Quinn Fabray. In season 1 we see her do whatever it takes to get together with Finn and soon they become a couple, however Rachel is to possessive and Finn decides they should see other people Rachel goes out with Jesse from rival glee club vocal Adrenalin. but things soon go wrong. Finn and Rachel become a couple once again and remain this way at the beginning of season 2. Until Finn brakes up with her when she kisses Puck. Finn then dates Quinn again but realises its a mistake so they split. Finn and Rachel have an 'awsome' on stage spontaneous kiss at nationals! PUT HIM OUT HIS MISERY AND BE TOGETHER
Artie Abrams
Artie is disabled but doesn't let that stop him! his dream is to be a dancer but knows this will be too difficult. In season 1 we see him start a relationship with Tina as she has a stutter. She then tells him that it was a lie so people wouldn't talk to he as she was shy. He was angry at her as he thought they shared a connection, however the relationship soon starts up again! At the start of season 2 Tina breaks up with him saying he was a terrible boyfriend and didn't spend anytime with her over the summer he tells her he was having a 'COD marathon'. After the break up Artie asks Finn to get him on the football team as he wants abs to impress Tina after some arguments he makes it on the team! He soon starts dating Brittney who we find out still believes in Santa and she asks him to let Artie walk again. The glee club ask coach beast to dress up as Santa and tell Brittney this will be to hard for him to do however coach beast finds something to attach to Artie's legs to help him walk! WHAT A CUTIE PLEASE GET BACK WITH BRITTNEY <3
Blaine Anderson
Attends Dalton academy and is the lead vocalist for there all boy group The Warblers. Blaine openly admits to Kurt that he is gay and he too used to be harassed for it. Blaine stands up to Kurt's number one bully karofsky and when Kurt transfers schools to Dalton academy there relationship gets stronger. Oblivious to the fact Kurt is in love he asks him to come along and watch him sing to his crush. After his crush gets fired and blames it on Blaine Kurt tells of his feeling but Blaine admits he doesn't want to ruin there friendship :( Blaine finally realises how he feels for Kurt at regionals, and goes to the prom with Kurt. He helps Kurt get through being crowned prom queen and at the end of series 2 they both declare there love AWHH <3
Mercedes Jones
Soulful lady of new directions Mercedes starts off having a crush on fellow member Kurt Hummel, soon to find out he is gay they become the closest friends. Rachel berry soon becomes her rival after Mercedes gets fed up of every solo going to her. She struggles with her weight after been asking to join the cheerios with Kurt as vocalists. but with support from Quinn she realises shes beautiful the way she is and embraces her popularity buy dating puck, they soon break up after having nothing in common. Mercedes relationship with Kurt is tested when he forms a bond with gay student Blaine Anderson. Striking to sue Sylvester for taking away tater tots Kurt suggests shes is choosing food over lack of love. After Kurt attempts to set her up Mercedes decides that she wants to focus on her talent. Lauren asks to be her agent after seeing she doesn't stand up for herself. Diva attitude soon takes over and it lands her with the closing slot after Rachel soon realises her true talent. Mercedes attends prom with Sam Evans and at the end of series 3 it looks like they have been secretly dating. OOOOO!
Kurt Hummle
Kurt is the only openly gay student at McKinley high and has feelings for Finn! Kurt helps Finn break it to Quinn's mum and dad she is pregnant through a song, hoping when it goes wrong he will come to Kurt in need of a shoulder to cry on! This doesn't happen. But Kurt doesn't stop he sets his dad and Finns mum up and they start dating. His plan which is to get closer to Finn backfires as his dad and Finn get on! Kurt realizes even though his dad is fine with him being gay and loves him, still he wants someone to talk to about football, so for a while feels pushed out by Finn... In season 2 Kurt is being harassed by karofskey (we later find out its because he is gay) for being gay so he transfers to Dalton academy where he meets his soon to be boyfriend Blaine. he then joins glee club again when Santana convinces him that the bully whips will protect him. Kurt thinks all is well and over with until he gets crowned prom queen :O At first he is mortified but with Blaine by his side he re enters and accepts his crown with the line 'eat your heart out Kate middleton' the prom queen and king dance is then shared by him and Blaine. CUTEST COUPLE EVER! <3

Finn Hudson the heartthrob of the glee club! In season 1 he begins by dating head cheerleader Quinn. We find out even though he is the popular guy at school he isn't happy until he joins glee club ( only because Mr shu realized his potential and decided if her didn't sign up voluntarily, he would make him, so planted drugs in his locker and told him if he joined he would forget about it) Quinn became pregnant and Finn thinks its his but in fact its his best friend pucks and when he finds out he breaks up with Quinn and dates Rachel! He breaks up with her but soon realizes his mistake and wants her back but Rachel is dating Jesse! They get together at the end of season 1 but break up during season 2 when Rachel kisses puck (not much of a best friend is he!) Finn starts dating Quinn again but breaks up with her when he realizes he has feelings still for Rachel and kisses her at nationals in the spur of the moment! HES SO CUTE!
Lauren Zisi
Where do i start! This girl in season 1 is just a background character she loves twilight and is team Edward but in season 2 after rescuing puck from a turned over port a loo his feelings grow for her. At the end of season 2 we see her feelings are mutual as they start dating after he 'woo's' her with the song he wrote 'big ass heart'. better than the disastrous attempt when he sang fat bottom girls and she told him it was the most offensive thing she has heard! In the prom episode she starts a campaign to be prom queen and even digs a little dirt up on Quinn, realizing she is ashamed of who she was and changed her name to stop bullying! Lauren tells everyone at school about this but the plan doesn't go down to well as people begin to vote for Quinn! She then admits to puck she wont get nervous to perform as the glee club is stupid. SHE IS THE ONLY TRUE BADASS!
Will Shuster
Spanish teacher at wmhs and the glee club teacher! He lives in his former high school years wanting to make glee club cool again, he is married to his high school sweet heart Teri but not happily, they both want a child badly and they think Teri is pregnant. Teri finds out its a hysterical one but cant break the news to will and hatches a plan to adopt Quinn's when it is born! In the first episode when will finds out he 'will be a dad' he resigns from being a teacher and wants to become an accountant to provide for his family but Emma changes his mind so he stays! when will finds out about the fake pregnancy he divorces Teri and kisses Emma as he realizes he has feelings for her and has for a while .. she shares them! In season 2 will is back taking over glee club but his relationship with Emma is over and soon starts dating cover teacher holly holiday, she breaks up with him when she realizes he still has feelings for Emma. AHHH JUST GET WITH HER!
Noah 'Puck'erman
WMHS bad boy jock, womaniser, school bully and MILF lover. We first see him dumping the likes of Kurt Hummel into rubbish bins. Having an on off relationship with Santana Lopez. Betraying his best friend Finn Hudson, by impregnating his gf and president of the Chastity club Quinn Febray. And countless acts of throwing slushies. But we see him start to clean up his act when he joins new directions. He has a short 'relationship' with Rachel berry after his mum asked him to find a nice Jewish girl. Then another short' relationship' with Mercedes Jones (at this point a popular cheerleader) hoping to bring his bad ass status back up after having his Mohawk shaved off. He was put in juvie for GTA and returned a different person. Still on probation he gets pounded by the fellow jocks after looking for a new recruit for the glee club and is saved by Lauren Zisis who he falls for and admits 'she rocked my world' Hes still not quite there yet after singing fat bottom girls as a love song for Lauren, UH OH! never the less makes up for it by writing her a song big ass heart. SERIES 3 WHO WILL HE BE WE NEXT!!
Quinn Febray
She is head cheerleader and the most popular girl at school, this falls however when she becomes pregnant and is kicked off the cheerios. She realizes her true friends are the ones in glee club. Her bad girl appearance is changed as she shows her nicer side in glee club. In season 2 she begins her bad girl attitude again becomes head cheerleader and dates Sam evens the new guy on the football team. Things go well until her and the other glee club Cheerios quit the team when sue wants to fire Brittney out of a Cannon. Not only that but she then cheats on Sam with Finn. Quinn soon starts dating Finn again and starts running for prom queen, how ever we find out that she was once bullied at school and was called 'Lucy Caboosy' so she transferred and lost weight. she doesn't win prom queen and gives Rachel a perfect slap. Then looses Finn all over again as he feels to strongly for Rachel. SOO MUCH FOR CHASTITY CLUB.
The bitch! Season 1 we don't see much to her apart from being a cheerio, popular and in the beginning trying to sabotage the glee club. In season 2 we find out she is a lesbian and loves Brittney, to hide this she dates Sam but writes an offensive song called trouty mouth about his big mouth, she then starts dating karofskey when she finds out he is gay so they date to hide their true sides. She wants to win prom queen as she thinks she will then be ale to rule the school, to do this she creates the bully whips. she makes them because she knows the true way she will get votes and the glee club to love her is to bring back much loved Kurt and he will only come back if the school is safe. Although all goes to plan she still doesn't win prom queen. BOO HOO
Sue Sylvester
Cheerleading coach, loves Madonna, keeps a journal, will do anything to destroy the glee club and Will Shuster! we always see sues darker side when she goes on about destroying glee and will but we see to her nicer side when we see she has a sister with down syndrome! We find this out when she lets Becky a girl who also has down syndrome, into the cheerleading squad. People think it is an act! In season 2 she receives bad news that her sister has died and with the help of Finn and Kurt they plan the funeral like willy wonkers chocolate factory, with the song pure imagination, she says she is done with destroying the glee club and she then tells will she is planning to run for congress which we will find more about in season 3! AMAZING WHAT SHE COMES OUT WITH!
Brittney Pierce
Season 1 she is a popular cheerio that's loved by the guys. she soon joins glee club and known for her silly not quite there answers and her ability to dance. Season 2 Brittney dates Artie and we really see he sweet side. Theres not anyone that hates her and wins a spot light dance with Mike. After getting over her nerves before dancing she tells Artie shes going out there and dancing for him no one else. Brittney still believes in Santa and is super excited when Christmas comes so excited she asks 'santa' if he can get her bf Artie to walk this year. Her wish is fulfilled when a mysterious gift is left for Artie, which helps him to walk a small amount. Cute as they are, after Santana declares her love for her, Artie tells Brittney she is stupid for being so naive and always letting Santana manipulate her. Artie was the only person to never call her that so shes heartbroken and they split up. As she doesn't have a date she tells the glee club shes going with all there dates because by then end of the night they will all be wanting to dance with her. But panic over her and Artie get back together. WHO DOESN'T LOVE HER?!?
Sam Evans
Sam only comes to us in season 2 and is seen as the cute surfer guy until his cover is blown when Kurt can tell that he dyes his hair! Sam first goes to join glee club but then doesn't because he cant be seen as a loser. After getting quarterback over Finn and he joins glee club he soon starts to date Quinn! every things cute and so ken and barbie until she cheats on him with Finn (whattt!!!) Sam then starts to date Santana but that doesn't last long after she sings famous trouty mouth! Sam gets insulted by this and they break up. normally we hear Sam coming out with his funny sayings and impressions, but we see a different side to him when his family have had to sell there house and move into a motel after his dad looses his job, hes even had to sell his guitar!!! the glee club eventually buy it back and apologise for thinking he was up to no good as he had been sneaking around and being quiet (not wanting everyone to know about his family life) at the end of season 2 we see him and Mercedes holding hands, is there love?? SERIOUS HOTTY AND CAN UNDERSTAND WHY THEY HAVE HIM TOPLESS ALOT.
Tina Cohen-Chang
Tina is wmhs goth and we first see her with a stutter. She is in the glee club from the beginning but outshone by the others. She soon starts dating Artie until he finds out she faked the stutter. They get over it though and date again, at the beginning of season 2 we find out she dumped Artie for being a rubbish bf but really we know it was because she had spent all her time with mike at Asian camp and realised how hot he is. ABS!!! we see there relationship grow but she accuses him of cheating with Brittney because they were spending too much time together practicing there dance. Tina and mike stay strong though and support each other through there low times. POSSIBLY ONLY STABLE RELATIONSHIP SO FAR?
Mike Chang
Most amazing dancer in glee club and possible the whole of wmhs? Season 1 he joins but is mainly in the background as one of the jocks who decided to join glee club along with puck. Its not only until season 2 when he forms a relationship with Tina so we see more dancing, more talking and more abs!!! We find out that he cant sing to save his life and the only thing hes good at is dancing, oh and loving Tina. SERIOUSLY HE CANT EVER BE BAD!
Purple Piano Project
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